
Result 1

Methodology for the Development of microVET Courses (Leader: CESIE)

This Result aims to equip training providers, primarily VET institutes, with concrete guidelines, applicable methods and functional tools that will allow them to get adequately prepared for the upcoming take-up of micro-credentials, reflecting the needs of trainees, the labour market, and society in general. It will, also, provide relevant stakeholders, including business actors, universities, and educational authorities, with a current status report on the familiarisation of the training sector with micro-credentials, the emerging needs to adjust to new developments, as well ways to get actively involved in shaping the new era of education and training, contributing to the improvement of training offers’ quality, thus their effectiveness and correspondence to labour market needs and requirements.


Task 1.1: Transnational focus groups (sensitive)

Task 1.2: Current status report on micro- credentials

Task 1.3: Methodology for the development of microVET courses linked to micro-credentials

Result 2

MicroVET courses linked to micro-credentials (Leader: CEPROF)

This Result foresees to correspond to the needs of both training organisations and trainees by preparing trainers and training providers for the development and delivery of microVET courses linked to micro-credentials, according to the established methodology, and by developing a certain number of such microVET courses according to identified needs of trainees, to be fully accessible for free to anyone interested, and to act as the starting point for the development of an open space for micro-credentials opportunities.


Task 2.1: MicroVet Framework for microcredential ambassadors

Task 2.2: Development of microVET courses (Available on the platform)

Result 3

MicroVET Repository (Leader: NOVEL GROUP)

Τhe microVET Repository will operate as an open online library of micro-training offers that will be linked with micro-credentials, aiming to reflect the needs of both training organisations and trainees. The microVET Repository aims to mobilise and motivate training organisations from all around the EU to contribute to this initiative and strengthen both the quality and attractiveness of VET. As so, following the development of the microVET courses from partner organisations, the Repository will be open to host courses from external organisations too.


Task 3.1: Technical development of the microVET Repository (E-learning platform)

Task 3.2: Enrichment with microVET courses and operation 

Task 3.3: Overall update following EU and national developments 

Result 4

EU alliance for micro-credentials (Leader: ESHA)

To extend both the attractiveness and impact of the micro-credential approach, the partnership will establish a transnational alliance of relevant stakeholders that will not only promote the adoption of micro-credentials by training providers of any type, but it will also support its members in the development of high-quality results to increase overall impact and formalise a common framework of cooperation at a transnational level. The alliance will be an inclusive opportunity for all interested parties to join their forces and create an active partnership for micro- credentials, undertaking certain roles and responsibilities while also committing to support each other through the process.


Task 4.1: Strategic Plan and practical arrangements

Task 4.2: Pan-European alliance for micro-credentials